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Coffee production in Panama has a long and rich history dating back to the late 19th century. The first coffee plants were introduced to Panama in the 1850s by Spanish immigrants and quickly became a significant part of the country's agriculture industry.

In the early 20th century, Panama experienced a boom in coffee production, with many large coffee estates being established in the Chiriqui province. This region became known for its high-quality coffee, and by the 1930s, Panama was exporting large quantities of coffee to Europe and North America.

However, in the mid-20th century, coffee production in Panama suffered a decline due to a combination of factors, including the loss of land to other crops, the spread of diseases, and a lack of investment in coffee production. As a result, coffee production declined dramatically, and by the 1980s, it was no longer a significant part of the country's economy.

In recent years, there has been a resurgence of coffee production in Panama, driven in part by the increasing demand for high-quality specialty coffees. This has led to the development of new coffee varieties, such as the famous Geisha coffee, and the growth of small-scale coffee farming communities.

Today, Panama is once again a significant producer of coffee, with a thriving specialty coffee industry that exports high-quality coffee to coffee lovers around the world. The country's coffee industry continues to grow and evolve, and is an important part of Panama's economy and cultural heritage.

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Geisha, the Lost varietal

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