It was in 1795 that Arabica coffee was first introduced to Nicaragua. Still, it was a rocky start hindered further by earthquakes and hurricanes, as well as civil wars within the country and U.S bans on imports during the cold war. It was not until the late 20th century that the Nicaraguan coffee industry thrived and was able to stand on its own feet, supporting nearly 300 000 workers, and all thanks to its coffee farmers that persisted throughout the disruptions.
Almost 95% of the coffee grown in Nicaragua is high altitude shade-grown. Growing coffee on altitudes between 3600 and 5200 feet above sea level helps it meet the Strictly High Grown coffee specifications, along with a fertile volcanic soil and a favoring climate. Some of the best Arabica coffee varietals are grown in Nicaragua, such as Bourbon, Typica, Catimor, Caturra etc. Many farms are located amongst wild forest and coffee is often grown under the protection of shade trees.
Blog posts

Impact Trade: A Direct Approach to Ethical Coffee Sourcing
At Amokka®, we believe that great coffee should benefit not just those who drink it but also those who grow it. That’s why we created Impact Trade a sourcing model that prioritizes long-term partne...
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It wasn't until 2004 that Geisha gained the recognition it deserved on the Specialty Coffee scene. In a gutsy move, one farm entered a sample of their Geisha in that year's Best of Panama competit...
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