El Salvador
Coffee production in El Salvador has fueled the Salvadoran economy and shaped its history for more than a century. Rapidly growing in the 19th century, coffee in El Salvador has traditionally provided more than 50% of the country's export revenues, reaching a peak in 1980 with a revenue of more than $615 million.
Unusual for Central America, approximately 60% of the coffee produced in El Salvador is Bourbon, characterised by an exceptionally clean, bright and sweet profile with strong citrus note. The country’s unusually high percentage of this renowned coffee varietal, however, is currently under threat from coffee leaf rust, whose impact on the country’s production has been sizable, resulting in a 20 percent drop in revenue from exports between 2011 and 2013.
- Harvest: October to March
Blog posts

Impact Trade: A Direct Approach to Ethical Coffee Sourcing
At Amokka®, we believe that great coffee should benefit not just those who drink it but also those who grow it. That’s why we created Impact Trade a sourcing model that prioritizes long-term partne...
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It wasn't until 2004 that Geisha gained the recognition it deserved on the Specialty Coffee scene. In a gutsy move, one farm entered a sample of their Geisha in that year's Best of Panama competit...
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Probably one of the biggest buzzwords in the last couple of years, be it wine, beer, grain, vegetables, coffee or any naturally produced product. What is it that we talk about when we mention Terro...
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